Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sit. Reflect. Heal.

I feel like such a lazy person right now. But, I'm trying to keep my mind busy. Another image that I revisited with Nik HDR Efex... I'm kinda drawn to the black and white versions right away. Not sure what that means... maybe it means that HDR really isn't for me... When I see it in color it just doesn't do it for me. Not saying that I haven't seen some really cool color HDR shots, I just haven't seen any of mine being really cool color HDR shots! I'll keep playing with them though. Who knows? I might stumble on one that I like! My next question is... how does a bracketed IR look when run through this program?


Carl March 20, 2011 at 12:31:00 AM EDT  

I really like the hyper detail you can achieve in HDR B&W images. I posted on this same subject after seeing your post. I want to see what you can do with HDR/Infrared. i bet you can make it amazing.


Anonymous April 27, 2016 at 5:16:00 AM EDT  

You can also create amazing HDR photos using Aurora HDR software for MAC this is great alternative which helps you easily create quality HDR photos without Adobe Photoshop. Hope it will be useful for you. Good luck.

Calvin Fuller July 2, 2024 at 2:42:00 PM EDT  

Hi nice reading your postt

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