Monday, July 18, 2011

Waterfalling | Buttermilk Falls State Park, Ithaca, NY

This post is taking us way back to July 4th weekend. Spent the day dodging swimmers to get a few shots of the falls at Buttermilk Falls State Park in Ithaca, NY. A beautiful place... when there aren't a ton of people jumping in the water as you're trying to take a picture. Where are the Rangers when you need them? I take a step off the walkway and I have one crawling all over me. Here, they are jumping off the ledges into the deep pools, and no Rangers in sight. Perfect. I'm not sure if I'm done with photos from this visit or not. I just needed to get some of them up!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Things with Wheels | Sneak Peek

I spent the day shooting at an outrageously large car show on Saturday... one that could easily have been the largest that I've been too in just the number of cars present... not all of which were photo friendly, but I did work my way through the masses to catch some of my favorites. I've only just begun looking at them, so we'll see what I get out of this set as the days go by.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sidelined | An Infrared View

Sometimes we fall back on those things that act like a muse for us. I have a couple of those. I needed to fall back on one of them this weekend. I'm not sure what I'll do if they ever take this big old truck away!

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New York
Photographer. Nature Lover. Learning. Growing. Loving.

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